Homepage Products Ascapig


Enable complementary management of internal parasitism

Ascapig Ascapig
Quality seal
Approved for use in organic farming *
  • Help prevent the risks linked to the presence of internal parasites: maintain an infestation rate compatible with zootechnical performance
  • Maintain an environment unfavourable to the development of internal parasites
  • Optimise the management of internal parasitism in combination with good husbandry practices
  • Reduce the risk of parasite resistance to chemical molecules


  • Can
  • Bag
  • Big bag
  • Tank

Categories of animals

  • Fattening pigs
  • Piglets

Physiological systems

  • General metabolism


  • Parasites
  • Performance

* To find out which forms/references of this product can be used in organic farming, please contact Biodevas Laboratoires.

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Product availability may vary from country to country. Please contact Biodevas Laboratoires for more information.