Homepage News Florisept-Floricol: available novelties

Florisept-Floricol: available novelties

As a demedication partner to both dairy and cattle farmers, Biodevas Laboratoires makes every possible effort to ensure that calves begin their life in the healthiest conditions.

Florisept SL and LD: cases of diarrhea in newborn animals due to Cryptosporidium

Since 2007, Biodevas Laboratoires has backed your efforts in the nutritional control of diarrhea, thanks to Florisept SL (liquid solution available in 1L and 5L recipients), a complementary feed (in the terms of the European regulation) to be mixed with milk during the first 7 days of the animal’s life.

Florisept is derived from a complex combination of phytogenic extracts produced by the laboratory; for more than 12 years it has represented an innovative approach to the control of digestive issues, a way of maintaining zootechnical performance under non-optimal farming conditions.

Three complementary actions work in synergy to make this possible.

  • The control of cellular oxidative stress generated in the intestine by the Cryptosporidium parasite, to maintain the integrity of the mucus gland and minimize the occurrence of diarrhea.
  • The stimulation of the natural defenses of the calf, in particular the specific leukocytes involved in parasite infection, to protect and preserve the vitality of the animal.
  • The modulation of the virulence factors of the parasite by establishing an unfavorable medium for its penetration and development in the intestinal cells.

With the aim of minimizing the work of animal farmers on this pathology, in 2018, Biodevas Laboratoires has created a solid and lactodispersible version of this phytogenic additive: Florisept LD (lacto-dispersible), available in 500g jars. Its galenic and original formulation make it simpler to distribute and dissolve quickly in milk, while offering equivalent performance to the SL version. Florisept LD provides supplementation for 10 calves for 6 days, covering that critical period.

Floricol SL: diarrhea in newborn animals due to Escherichia coli

Cryptosporidium but not only … In 2018, Biodevas Laboratoires created Floricol SL, available in 1 liter recipients, designed to prevent diarrhea due to colibacillosis bacteria between the ages of 10-15 days and to help maintain the integrity of the intestinal barrier. Floricol can be used as a complement to Florisept.

Florisept-Floricol: available novelties

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In the category : Animals, Ruminants