Homepage News Biodevas Laboratoires uses plants properties to reduce the use of antibiotics or pesticides

Biodevas Laboratoires uses plants properties to reduce the use of antibiotics or pesticides

François Blua founded Biodevas Laboratoires, which uses plants properties to reduce and even eliminate the use of antibiotics or pesticides

What if oregano, willow, blackcurrant or garlic were to promote animal health like plant vitality? This is the conviction of François Blua, CEO of the company Biodevas Laboratoires, founded with his father in 2O05 in Savigné l’Évêque (in the Sarthe).

His father, who worked as a pharmacist, had the idea of using the properties of plants to prevent oxidative stress in animals or plants, as can be done in humans.

« The aim is to keep the disease subclinical so that it’s undetectable, by working on specific immune stimuli, » says the manager, who has swapped his international career in major groups ( Cartier, Renault) for this family business with the backing of Bpifrance.

Its natural products are aimed at organic and conventional sectors in France and abroad (Europe, the United States and North Africa etc.). « It’s a rewarding job because you can do something useful for farmers and consumers ».

His burgeoning company of 32 employees generates 30% of its turnover through exports and fully aspires to healthier farming.

Approaches vary from one country to another. In the United States, for example, the same farm may have thousands of cows. The use of these biostimulants (from 150 varieties of plants) can reduce and even eliminate the use of antibiotics or pesticides.

« But nature and pressure from diseases sometimes necessitate the use of phytosanitary products, » he says. Our aim is to stimulate them to the maximum ». Next step? Branch out into aquaculture and dog and cat food ».

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